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Laravel 10.17 Released

Julian Beaujardin
Julian Beaujardin August 2nd, 2023

The Laravel team released v10.17 with Laravel Prompts, a config:show Artisan command, a Collection method to ensure types and more.

Laravel Prompts

Laravel v10.17 includes a new dependency for the laravel/prompts package. Various built-in Artisan commands received updates to incorporate prompts into the experience, which feels neat! The documentation for Prompts can be found on the Laravel website.

We highly recommend Watching Jess Archer's "Unveiling Laravel Prompts" talk from Laracon to learn more about them. Laravel Prompts improves the DX around to generator commands that create application code 🔥

The Prompts package is available on GitHub at laravel/prompts.

Add a config:show Artisan command

Francisco Madeira contributed a config:show Artisan command you can use to see configuration from the command line.

New Collection::ensure() method

Chris Morrell contributed a new ensure() method on the Collection class that ensures the type of all items in the collection:

// $user is guaranteed to be a User or null
$user = collect($users)

PHP 8.3 Builds in Laravel Core

Dries Vints contributed PHP 8.3 builds in Laravel core, which now includes .8.3 in the GitHub testing matrix. This groundwork will ensure a seamless transition to support the new PHP version in November later this year!

Release notes

You can see the complete list of new features and updates below and the diff between 10.16.0 and 10.17.0 on GitHub.

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