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Laravel 10.21 Released

Julian Beaujardin
Julian Beaujardin August 30th, 2023

This week, the Laravel team released v10.21 with new string helper methods, countable failed job providers, improved HTTP pool return type, and more:

Laravel Str::convertCase() Method

Raúl Mauricio Uñate Castro contributed a convertCase() string method, which is a wrapper around the mb_convert_case function. It performs case folding on a string while taking into account character encoding and multi-byte characters:

use Illuminate\Support\Str;

// Convert to uppercase, including special characters.
$upper = Str::convertCase("The framework that brought PHP to life!", MB_CASE_UPPER);

// Convert to lowercase, including special characters.
$lower = Str::convertCase("The framework that brought PHP to life!", MB_CASE_LOWER);
// 'the framework that brought php to life!'

// Convert to title case, only the first letter of each word is uppercase.
$title = Str::convertCase("The framework that brought PHP to life!", MB_CASE_TITLE);
// 'The Framework That Brought Php To Life!'

Add broadcastAs() method to Broadcast Notification Created Event

Raphael Canguçu contributed a broadcastAs() method to the BroadcastNotificationCreated event. If the notification instance on this event has a broadcastAs method it can be used to return the broadcast name:

I add this function so it will get the broadcast event name as the same way it does for other events. I needed this, because I wanted to specify the event name , and without this function, it will get only the class name.

You can learn more about this change in Pull Request #48136.

Improved the PendingRequest::pool() return type

Choraimy Kroonstuiver contributed a nice DX improvement to the pool() method on the HTTP client.

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
use Illuminate\Http\Client\Pool;

$responses = Http::pool(fn (Pool $pool) => [
    $pool-›get('https: //'),

return $responses[0]->body();

Given the above code, you should get autocomplete for each response in the pool.

Laravel Start and end string replacement helpers

Joe Dixon contributed two string helpers to replace or prune a value at the start or end of a string. These will only be replaced if the given value exists at the start or end of the string, respectively.

Str::replaceEnd('/public', '/private', '/path/to/my/public/nested/public');
// /path/to/my/public/nested/private

Str::replaceStart('/public', '/private', '/public/path/to/my/public/nested/public');
// /private/path/to/my/public/nested/public

Allow failed job providers to be countable

Tim MacDonald contributed the ability to count the number of failed jobs using the failed job providers, for example, doing a count() query in the database instead of retrieving all records and running count($jobs) (not ideal).

Here's one implementation (DatabaseFailedJobProvider) from the pull request so you can get an idea of how it might work:

 * Count the failed jobs.
 * @param  string|null  $connection
 * @param  string|null  $queue
 * @return int
public function count($connection = null, $queue = null)
    return $this->getTable()
        ->when($connection, fn ($builder) => $builder->whereConnection($connection))
        ->when($queue, fn ($builder) => $builder->whereQueue($queue))

Check out Pull Request #48177 and Pull Request #48216 for more details!

Release notes

  • Add broadcastAs at BroadcastNotificationCreated in #48136
  • Add start and end string replacement and prune methods in #48025
  • Add convertCase to Str in #48224
  • Allow failed jobs to be counted by "connection" and "queue" in #48216
  • Give access to job UUID in the job queued event in #48179

You can see the complete list of new features and updates below and the diff between 10.20.0 and 10.21.0 on GitHub. The following release notes are directly from the changelog:

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