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Laravel 10.24 Released

Julian Beaujardin
Julian Beaujardin September 20th, 2023

This week, the Laravel team released v10.24 with job fake updates, a string position helper, migration table name guessing improvements, and more.

While we highlight new features in each release, there are many, many contributors improving the framework each week. Check the release notes for complete changes in each weekly release, and thank you to all those contributing to Laravel.

Here's what's new this week at a glance:

Allow older jobs to be faked

Tim MacDonald contributed an update that allows older-style queued job pushing:

Older style queued job pushing, where you are referencing the job class and passing the payload as an array, is not currently supported. This fixes that:

Queue::push(MyJob::class, ['job' => 'payload']);

Introduce the Str::substrPos() method

Clemens Bastian contributed a substrPos() method that determines the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string. It's a wrapper around PHP's mb_strpos method:

// Str helper
Str::position('Hello, World!', 'W'); // 7

// Stringable
str('This is a test string.')->position('test'); // 10

// More examples
Str::position('This is a test string, test again.', 'test', 15); // 23
Str::position('Hello, World!', 'Hello'); // 0
Str::position('Hello, World!', 'World!'); // 7
Str::position('This is a tEsT string.', 'tEsT', 0, 'UTF-8'); // 10
Str::position('Hello, World!', 'W', -6); // 7
Str::position('Äpfel, Birnen und Kirschen', 'Kirschen', -10, 'UTF-8'); // 18
Str::position('@%€/=!"][$', '$', 0, 'UTF-8'); // 9
Str::position('Hello, World!', 'w', 0, 'UTF-8'); // false
Str::position('Hello, World!', 'X', 0, 'UTF-8'); // false
Str::position('', 'test'); // false
Str::position('Hello, World!', 'X'); // false

Guess table name correctly in migrations

Islam Abdelfattah improved the table guesser if the user makes a migration that modifies a column on an existing database table. Given the following command that ends with to_users_table the command will correctly create the migration for the users table:

php artisan make:migration \

The above command's generated migrations will include the following code automatically in the up/down methods:

Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) {

Release notes

You can see the complete list of new features and updates below and the diff between 10.23.0 and 10.24.0 on GitHub. The following release notes are directly from the changelog:

  • Add notModified to HTTP client in #48379
  • Turn off autocomplete for csrf_field in #48371
  • Fix Cache::many() with small numeric keys in #48423
  • Allow older jobs to be faked in #48434
  • Introduce Str::substrPos in #48421
  • Guess table name in migrations with complex column names in #48437
  • Get value when default is an enum in #48452

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