Laravel 10.40 Released
The Laravel team released v10.40 with a Number clamp method, an APA-style title case string helper, Vite asset path customization, and more. With Laravel 11 less than a month away, the community is moving full speed ahead on delivering new features, fixes, and improvements each week.
Here's some of the new features released this week:
Add a Number clamp Method
James Brooks contributed a Number::clamp()
method that clamps a given number between two numbers. This provides a way to restrict a given number between two other numbers. This method is probably best illustrated with some examples:
Number::clamp(number: 53, min:0, max: 999); // 53
Number::clamp(number: 0.5, min: 0, max: 1); // 0.5
Number::clamp(number: 20, min: 0, max: 1); // 1
Number::clamp(number: 10, min: 20, max: 30); // 20
Add Session "except" method
Volodya Kurshudyan contributed an except()
method to retrieve all session data except the specified array of items:
Session::all(); // 'email' => '', 'name' => 'Example User']
Session::except(['name']); // ['email' => '']
Schema Builder is Macroable
Kevin Bui added the Macroable
trait to the schema builder, which enables developers to define custom methods for the schema builder. Here's an example the author of the pull request provided:
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Builder;
Builder::macro('hasForeignKey', function ($table, $key) {
$foreignKeys = Schema::getForeignKeys($table);
foreach ($foreignKeys as $foreignKey) {
if ($foreignKey['name'] == $key) {
return true;
return false;
Test Assertion for an empty view
Dwight Watson contributed an assertViewEmpty()
method for the TestView class. You can now assert if the output of a view component is empty as follows:
$view = $this->view('welcome', ['name' => 'Example User', 'enabled' => false]);
Add dark mode support for Tailwind Pagination
Sabin Chacko contributed dark mode support for simple-paginate.blade.php
and tailwind.blade.php
files. See Pull Request #49515 for details.
Allow Vite asset path customization
Tim MacDonald contributed the ability to customize the Vite asset path in more advanced situations where you cannot rely on a static value for app.asset_url
using the following method in a service provider:
Vite::createAssetPathsUsing(function ($path, $secure) {
return //...
Assert job count using the QueueFake
Volodya Kurshudyan contributed an assertCount()
assertion to the QueueFake
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Queue;
// ...act...
APA-style Title String Helper
Adam Campbell contributed an APA-style
title helper that formats strings according to the APA Title Case Capitalization guidelines:
Release notes
You can see the complete list of new features and updates below and the diff between 10.39.0 and 10.40.0 on GitHub. The following release notes are directly from the changelog