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URI Parsing and Mutation in Laravel 11.35

Julian Beaujardin
Julian Beaujardin December 10th, 2024

This week, the Laravel team released v11.35, which includes URI parsing and mutation, the ability to disable HTTP client exception response truncation, transforming an HTTP response to a Fluent instance, and more.

URI Parsing and Mutation

Taylor Otwell contributed a Uri class for URI parsing and mutation.

$uri = Uri::of('')
    ->withQuery(['name' => 'Taylor'])


// And more...

return (string) $uri;

You can also retrieve a URI instance from the current request, named routes, and URLs:

$uri = $request->uri();

$uri = Uri::to('/something')->withQuery(...);

$uri = Uri::route('named-route', ['user' => $user]);

Customize or Disable HTTP Client Exception Message Truncation

Steve Bauman contributed the ability to customize or disable HTTP client response truncation via the application bootstrap configuration. In the withExceptions() callback, you can customize the truncation length or disable fully disable it with the following:

// bootstrap/app.php

use Illuminate\Http\Client\RequestException;

return Application::configure(basePath: dirname(__DIR__))
    // ...
    ->withExceptions(function (Exceptions $exceptions) {

        // Or ...


Transform HTTP Client Response Data into a Fluent Instance

Steve Bauman contributed the ability to transform an HTTP Client response data into a fluent instance:

$fluent = Http::get('')->fluent();

$fluent->float('price'); // 420.69
$fluent->collect('colors'); // Collection(['red', 'blue'])
$fluent->boolean('on_sale'); // true
$fluent->integer('current_stock'); // 69

Add The Conditionable Trait to Request

Ahmet Imamoglu added the Conditionable trait the the HTTP request. Just like the query builder, you can use when() in a request class:

 * Prepare the data for validation.
protected function prepareForValidation(): void
        fn (Request $req, int $accountId) => $req->merge(['account_name' => Account::getName($accountId)]),
        fn (Request $req) => $req->merge(['account_name' => null])

        fn (Request $req, int $contactId) => $req->merge(['contact_name' => Contact::getName($contactId)]),
        fn (Request $req) => $req->merge(['contact_name' => null])

Allow Sorting Routes by Definition in route:list

Mathieu TUDISCO contributed the ability to sort route:list results by definition:

php artisan route:list --sort=definition

Schedule Handling: Ping on Success and Failure

Luca Castelnuovo contributed pingOnSuccessIf() and pingOnFailureIf() to schedule handling. This allows the scheduler to ping a URL when a task fails or succeeds:

$pingBackupRun = (bool) config('services.ohdear.tasks.backup:run', false);
$pingBackupRunUrl = config('services.ohdear.tasks.backup:run');

    ->pingBeforeIf($pingBackupRun, $pingBackupRunUrl . '/starting')
    ->pingOnSuccessIf($pingBackupRun, $pingBackupRunUrl . '/finished')
    ->pingOnFailureIf($pingBackupRun, $pingBackupRunUrl . '/failed');

Release notes

You can see the complete list of new features and updates below and the diff between 11.34.0 and 11.35.0 on GitHub. The following release notes are directly from the changelog:

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